Service Price
Eye Brow 눈썹 $400
UPPER EYE LINE 아이라인 (상) $300
LOWER EYE LINE 아이라인 (하) $300
LIP LINE 입술라인 $450
FULL LIP COLOR 입술전체칼라 $700


The complimentary touch-up period is between the first and second month after the initial procedure(s).

*After the complimentary period has expired, the cost of touch-up within 3 years will be 50%.


Aftercare Instructions

  • You may resume normal activities and makeup immediately after the procedure.
  • Apply ointment (Neosporin, etc.) ONLY on the day of the procedure(s) and then DO NOT apply thereafter.
  • For one week, do not submerge in a pool (chlorine can bleach out the pigment), in the ocean, sauna or hot tub.
  • You may continue with your regular face wash regimen but do not use cleansing products with exfoliating granules (beads, sugar or apricot scrubs, etc.) for ONE week after your procedure.
  • Please do not pick or scratch at your permanent makeup skin within the next 3-5 days, the eyebrow tattoo will lightly peel/slough off, and it will reach its final natural color.
  • Minor redness, swelling, itching, or tenderness are common reactions to the procedure(s) and are temporary. They will subside quickly.